Our division treats more than 100,000 infants, children and adolescents who need emergency care each year. The emergency department is a designated level I pediatric trauma critical care center and pediatric critical care center. Children with severe illness or critical injury are treated by our emergency department. Children with non-life threatening illnesses or injuries are cared for in lower acuity areas.
As a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center, we are one of 12 hospitals in the nation providing the highest level of emergency care for children. Our specialized trauma team consists of emergency and critical care physicians, surgeons and ancillary personnel. The nursing team is comprised of caring and experienced nurses with a passion for treating children.
We are also designated as a pediatric critical care center, a designation signifying the ability to provide emergency and critical care for ill and injured patients from infancy through adolescence.
Programs and Services
Fellowship Program
Four fellows per year are trained by faculty in pediatric emergency medicine during this two to three-year program.
Other Information
Our division regularly engages in research to improve emergency care for children.
Care Protocols
We continually create and evaluate emergency treatment protocols for conditions that are presented infrequently yet require complex evaluation. To date, we have created 26 protocols that ensure that each child presenting these conditions is provided with the highest standard of care.

Lantern Award
The Emergency Nurses Association bestows the Lantern Award 2013-2016 to our emergency department because we exemplify exceptional practice and innovative performance in the core areas of nursing leadership, practice, education advocacy and research.