We believe better health for all young people is possible

Brightly colored logo with text HYM Healthy Young Men's Study and Truth A Trans Youth of Color Study


The Healthy Young Men’s Cohort Study and TRUTH—A Transgender Youth of Color Study is a research initiative funded by the National Institutes of Health focused on preventing HIV and improving the health and wellness of Black, Latinx, and multi-racial/ethnic young men who have sex with men (YMSM) and transgender and non-binary/gender minority youth (TGMY).

Why young men of color?

Young gay and bisexual men of color are heavily impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States. Black YMSM are the only group that is still experiencing an increase in the rate of new HIV infections. Our prior research found that stigma of HIV, experiences of racism, internalized homophobia, and violence are risk factors for HIV infection among YMSM of color.

Brightly colored chart indicating percentages of diagnoses of HIV infection among men who have sex with men, by selected characteristics, 2020
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Why Trans and non-binary/gender minority youth of Color (TGMY)?

To date, there has been very little research about Trans and non-binary/gender minority youth. We do know that Trans-women of color experience great health disparities and have higher HIV rates than any other group. This study seeks to address the lack of knowledge by adding to the body of research available.

Colorful chart indicating new HIV diagnoses among transgender people by race/ethnicity in the US and dependent areas for the year 2019
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

What is the purpose of HYM and TRUTH?

  • Improve the health and wellness of gay and bisexual men, transgender and non-binary young adults of color in Los Angeles.
  • Develop new tools and interventions that may prevent new HIV infections and improve health outcomes.
  • Better understand the barriers that keep young men of color and TGMY out of care, as well as factors that help them stay in care.
  • Understand how experiences of discrimination including racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia affect young men, transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary young people of color, their health, and experiences when engaging in the healthcare system.
  • Communicate the importance of adherence to antiretroviral therapy and viral suppression to enhance health.
  • Study over time young gay men, transgender and non-binary young adults of color’s: substance use; use and access to HIV testing and treatment services; insurance status; retention in HIV/AIDS care and adherence to ART; and use of biomedical interventions, such as PrEP and PEP.
  • Advocate for young gay men of color and TGMY.
  • Influence HIV care policy and funding.

Resource Guide

Download our community resources and referral guide.

Request a Free HIV and/or Syphilis Test at https://www.stdcheck.com.

Prior Research

HYM 1.0

Conducted between 2003 and 2008, Healthy Young Men’s Study 1.0 was designed to provide much-needed insight into the lives and behaviors of YMSM. Specifically, this research focused on closing significant gaps in knowledge regarding individual, familial, social, and community characteristics that influence YMSM to engage in both risky and protective behaviors.

Results from this research demonstrated that the stigma of HIV, experiences of racism, internalized homophobia and violence are risk factors for HIV infection among YMSM of color. Along with involvement in illicit drug use and risky sexual behavior, they may lead to toxic stress responses that can affect the physical and mental health of these young men.

View full list of HYM 1.0 publications

Current Research

HYM 2.0

In 2020, our renewal application was awarded. For this next funding cycle (2020-2025), our study will focus on HIV risk and transmission for YMSM and TGMY through the lens of intersecting stigmatized identities, including sexual identity, gender identity, race, ethnicity, immigration status, financial hardship, HIV+ status, mental health, psychiatric disorders, and sex work or transactional sex.

HYM 2.0 Key Publications

Parra, L. A., Roos, L., Spahr, C. M., Goldbach, J. T., Bray. B. C., Kipke, M, & Slavich, G. M. Optimism mitigates the negative effects of lifetime financial stressors on mental health among Black and Latinx sexual minority emerging adults. Manuscript under review at Stress & Health.

Azucar D, Rusow JA, Slay L, Taiwo M, Rodriguez A, Johnson A, Calvetti S, Wright D, Wu S, Bray B, Goldbach JT. Combining the HYM (Healthy Young Men’s) Cohort Study and the TRUTH (A Trans Youth of Color Study): Protocol for an Expanded Mixed Methods Study Renewal. JMIR Research Protocols. 2022 Nov 3;11(11):e39232. PMCID: PMC9672995 DOI: 10.2196/39232

Calvetti S, Rusow JA, Lewis J, Martinez A, Slay L, Bray BC, Goldbach JT, Kipke MD. A Trans Youth of Color Study to Measure Health and Wellness: Protocol for a Longitudinal Observation Study. JMIR Research Protocols. 2022 Nov 7;11(11):e39207. PMCID: PMC9679929 DOI: 10.2196/39207

Rusow JA, Hidalgo M, Calvetti S, Quint M, Wu S, Bray BC, Kipke MD. Health and Service Utilization among a Sample of Gender-diverse Youth of Color: The TRUTH Study. BMC Public Health. PMCID: PMC9737736 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14585-9

Goldbach JT, Kipke MD. What affects timely linkage to HIV Care for Young Men of Color who have sex with Men? Young Men’s Experiences Accessing HIV Care after Seroconverting. AIDS and Behavior. 2022 Jun 7:1-4. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03727-0

Layland EK, Bray BC, Kipke MD, Maggs J. Intersectional Stigma Subgroups Differ in Unhealthy Drinking and Disordered Marijuana Use Among Black and Latino Cisgender Sexual Minority Men. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109652

View full list of HYM 2.0 publications.