Disaster Research
Pediatric Disaster Resource and Training Center
In September 2007, Dr. Jeffrey S. Upperman was awarded a one-year, $5 million grant for the Healthcare Facilities Emergency Care Partnership Program from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Pediatric Disaster Resource and Training Center, which is being established in collaboration with the Los Angeles Emergency Medical Services Agency (LAEMSA), seeks to:
- Expand the resources and expertise the hospital could offer to a network of geographically dispersed Los Angeles County health care facilities in the event of a local disaster
- Develop and deploy state-of-the-science pediatric disaster training to first response providers throughout the County
James H. Zumberge Faculty Research & Innovation Fund
In addition, Dr. Upperman (Co-PI) received a grant from the James H. Zumberge Faculty Research & Innovation Fund, in collaboration with Dr. Solomon Behar (PI) and Dr. Robert Neches (Co-PI). This project is entitled “Computerized Pediatric Acute Critical-event Training and Simulation (ComPACTS): A Novel Method of Assessment and Training and for Pediatric Disaster Management Protocols.” These funds will support an initial demonstration of dual-use of simulation technology that enables one body of software to support comparative testing of both the effectiveness and learnability of alternative medical emergency treatment protocols, and then carry over to support the training of medical professionals on the preferred protocol. The ultimate goal is to lay the groundwork to expand into technology that will reduce the gap between research and training on medical protocols.
Richie's Fund
Finally, through the hospital's lobbying efforts, LA City Council member Alarcón authored legislation (SB 1773) that would allow counties to continue to collect additional fines from certain criminal violations, including speeding and domestic assault, and use these fines to fund emergency medical services and pediatric trauma care. A provision of the bill includes that 15 percent of the funds collected must go into “Richie’s Fund” for pediatric trauma care services. Our Trauma Program, under Dr. Upperman's leadership, applied for and received a grant for the treatment and prevention of pediatric injuries in 2008.