Your Child's Safety
These guidelines are designed to preserve the security of our patients and family members.
Parents and visitors must check in at the Information Desk in the Main Lobby for a visitor badge.
- Visitor badge must be worn at all times you’re in the hospital.
- Leave valuables at home (like expensive clothing, electronics, sums of cash, and jewelry).
- Do not walk alone outside the hospital at night. Call Security at Ext. 2313 for an escort.
- Weapons, including firearms and knives, are not allowed on hospital grounds.
- The hospital reserves the right to search personal property for drugs, weapons or other dangerous items.
- During an emergency, such as an earthquake, stay calm and follow directions from hospital or emergency personnel.
We do not recommend walking alone outside the hospital at night.
Call Security at Ext. 12313 or call 323-361-2313 for an escort.
Weapons, including firearms and knives, are not allowed on hospital grounds. For safety and security, the hospital reserves the right to search any person's belongings for drugs, weapons or other dangerous items.