Education Track
The CHLA Education Track is designed for those individuals who are considering a career in academic medicine and would like to devote additional time to developing teaching and leadership skills during residency.
- Develop requisite skills for effective classroom and clinical teaching, including learner assessment and feedback
- Develop leadership skills needed to manage a team or group of learners
- Participate in educational scholarship
- Develop skills needed for self-direction and life-long learning
Scholarly Projects
Participants realize these goals through a variety of teaching activities during which they are directly observed and provided feedback, analyses of learning and conflict management styles, participation on committees, and creation of a learning plan. Additionally each resident on the Education Track, with the guidance of a dedicated mentor, develops and implements a longitudinal scholarly project. Examples of past projects include:
- The Effectiveness of a Culturally Responsive Healthcare Curriculum in a Pediatric Residency Program
- Creation of Digital Learning Modules for Medical Students
- Implementing a Spiritual Care Curriculum into Pediatric Residency
- Training Interns as Teachers: Improving Intern Confidence in Medical Student Education
- RN Shadowing: Improving Multidisciplinary Communication and Understanding of Children with Special Health Care Needs
- The Impact of Video Interpretation Use on Family Centered Rounds
Noon Conference Sessions
Education Track residents attend didactics separate from the general residency program, dedicated to education and scholarship-related topics. Examples of session topics include:
- Research Methods and Survey Design
- Preparing to teach
- Orienting learners
- Clinical/Bedside teaching
- Giving/receiving feedback
- Classroom teaching techniques
Educational Conference
Each participant receives funding support to attend an educational conference during the PL-2 or PL-3 year.