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Cerebrovascular Impact of Acquired Anemias

The objective of this study is to learn how anemia may affect oxygen delivery to the brain as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By studying this, we hope to better identify people who may benefit from correction of their anemia.

Concussion Study

The overall objective is to assess the influences that repeated head impact accelerative events (both impact and nonimpact) and concussions have on high school athletes as measured by brain structure and function, cognition, and behavior.

Fontan Non-Newtonian Behavior

To evaluate the impact of non-Newtonian behavior on hemodynamic efficiency in children and young adults who have undergone the Fontan procedure.

Gut microbiome and response to oral typhoid vaccine

We are studying the role of gut microbiome diversity on the mucosal and systemic responses to Ty21a vaccine. This is to determine if a given microbiota composition is associated with specific immune responses and to evaluate the impact of an oral typhoid vaccination on the human gut microbiota.

ImproveCareNow (ICN)

To improve patient care and achieve the best health outcomes possible for children with IBD.

Perceptions of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) among Adolescent and Young Adults wth chronic illness

This is an observational study that employs qualitative methods (13 focus groups and 22 individual interviews) targeting 130 sexually active and non-sexually active adolescent and young adult (AYA) females, living with chronic illness or disability. The study is designed to explore the extent to which their experiences living with chronic illness and engagement in ongoing medical management has an impact on their contraception decision making and perception of LARC as a viable option.