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The goal of this study is to help researchers across the nation develop and tailor healthcare treatments to the individual. They will do this by collecting data & biospecimens that may enable a broad spectrum of research studies.

Brain Blood Flow

This study uses sensitive measures of brain blood flow an its response to change to inhaled oxygen levels to determine how the brain protects its oxygen supply.


To collect information on the long-term effects of XLH on children and adults who have participated in burosumab clinical trials, adults and children who have not participated in burosumab clinical trials, and who may or may not have been treated with burosumab during the course of the study.

Cerebrovascular Impact of Acquired Anemias

The objective of this study is to learn how anemia may affect oxygen delivery to the brain as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By studying this, we hope to better identify people who may benefit from correction of their anemia.

CP bone

To investigate bone health in cerebral palsy and the relationship between walking and bone health.