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3D Video Use in Laparoscopic Training

This study is recruiting CHLA staff/employees/trainees to participate in a study assessing the efficacy of different types of video in teaching a surgical skill to novices. Participants will complete a survey and a medical training task, watch a video, and then repeat the medical training task in 2 weeks.

Bioflex Sensor

The purpose of this study is to evaluate a sensor that transmits intracranial pressure, cerebrospinal fluid flow, and makes sure the path of the catheter remains open.

Brain Blood Flow

This study uses sensitive measures of brain blood flow an its response to change to inhaled oxygen levels to determine how the brain protects its oxygen supply.


To evaluate long-term safety of Humira in pediatric patients (between the ages of 6 and 17 years inclusive at the time of enrollment) with moderately to severely active CD who are prescribed and treated in accordance with the approved local Humira product label under the conditions of routine clinical setting.

Cerebrovascular Impact of Acquired Anemias

The objective of this study is to learn how anemia may affect oxygen delivery to the brain as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By studying this, we hope to better identify people who may benefit from correction of their anemia.