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The goal of this study is to help researchers across the nation develop and tailor healthcare treatments to the individual. They will do this by collecting data & biospecimens that may enable a broad spectrum of research studies.

Healthy Development

Determine how potentially stressful situations, including prematurity, hospitalizations, maternal mental health and rapid repeat births can impact a baby’s development in the first 12 months of their life.

Infant-Robot Interaction-CHLA

We are interested in observing whether and how infants learn when interacting with a robot during a learning assessment contingency paradigm. 

Influenza Breastfeeding Study

The effect of flu immunization on the level of immunity against the flu in breastmilk, and how this may help protect a breastfeeding infant.

Longitudinal EEG and Sensors Study

Our goal is early identification of deviation from healthy brain development to allow targeted early intervention and improve developmental outcomes.

Mother's Milk Study

To better understand the effects of breastfeeding on infant growth and development.