Chuan-Hao Lin, MD
Dr. Lin is double board certified in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Pediatric Transplant Hepatology at the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. He participates in Multicenter Clinical Trial of the treatment of Erosive Esophagitis and Hepatitis C.
Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Dr. Lin is the Principal Investigator (PI) for the treatment of Pediatric IBD with new biologics. Dr. Lin is also the PI for the management of Erosive Esophagitis (EE) with new PPI (Dexlansoprazole).
Dr. Lin also is specialized in the treatment of Hepatitis C. He is the PI for all oral medication (DAA) clinical trial for Hepatitis C, Genotype 1-6.
Dr. Lin is the member of Pediatric Liver Transplant Team at CHLA.
China Medical College, Taiwan
Mackay Memorial Hospital: Pediatrics
Mercy Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Children's Hospital of Buffalo, SUNY at Buffalo (Pediatric Gastroenterology)
Pediatrics and Pediatric Gastroenterology: American Board of Pediatrics
North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN); American Gastroenterological Association (AGA); American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); Society of Pediatric Research (SPR), American Association of Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD).
Books and Chapters
- Lin CH, Tolia K, Correia L, Tolia V, Lee PC, Luk GD. Induction of small intestinal ornithine decarboxylase in early weaning neonatal rats. In: Dowling RH, Folsch UR, Loser C, eds. Polyamines in the gastrointestinal tract. Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 518, 1992.
Peered Review Articles
· Lin CH, Vijesurier R, Ho YS, Schipper R, Tolia V, Moshier J, Majumdar A: Expression of intestinal ornithine decarboxylase during postnatal development in neonatal rats. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1589:298-304, 2002. PMID: 12031796
· El-Baba M, Padilla M, Houston C, Madani S, Lin CH, Thomas R, Tolia V: A prospective study comparing oral sodium phosphate solution to a bowel cleansing preparation with nutrition food package in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 42:174-177, 2006. PMID: 16456411
- Reiff A, Weinberg K, Triche T, Masinsin B, Mahadeo KM, Lin CH, Brown D, Parkman R: T lymphocyte abnormalities in juvenile systemic sclerosis patients. Clinical Immunology, 149:146-155, 2013. PMID: 23994768
Abstract and Presentations
- Schwartz K, Murray KF, Rosenthal P, Bansal S, Lin CH, Ni L, Kanwar B, Fraser J, German P, Brainard DM, Wen J, Gonzalez-Peralta R, Jonas MM, Balistreri W. HIGH RATES OF SVR12 IN ADOLESCENTS WITH HEPATITIS C TREATED WITH THE COMBINATION OF LEDIPASVIR/SOFOSBUVIR. Oral presentation, International Liver Congress (ILC) General Session, EASL (European Association of Study of Liver) Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain. April 2016.
- Lakhole A, Lin CH, Depaolo W. Comparison of genotype and phenotype between Caucasian and Hispanic children with inflammation bowel disease. Poster presentation, DDW (Digestive Disease Week) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. May 2016.
Current research in 1) Pediatric IBD (PI for Multicenter Trials of new Biologics for treatment of Pediatric IBD, 2) Pediatric Erosive Esophagitis (EE) (PI for Multicenter Trials for treatment of Pediatric EE with new PPI (Dexlansoprazole), 3) Hepatitis C in Pediatrics (PI for Multicenter Trial of all oral DAA for the treatment of Hepatitis C in Pediatrics, 4) Depressed regulatory T lymphocytes as the possible pathogenesis of IBD (Collaboration with Adult GI program at USC).
Research Studies
To find out the effects of tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) on children and adolescents with chronic hepatitis B.
To find out the effects of Maralixibat on the treatment of PFIC.