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Displaying 31 - 40 of 48

Influenza Breastfeeding Study

The effect of flu immunization on the level of immunity against the flu in breastmilk, and how this may help protect a breastfeeding infant.

JASPER Early Intervention for Tuberous Sclerosis (JETS)

Two main purposes of the study: (1) to see if social communication of children with TSC can be improved with a short term behavioral intervention (JASPER) and (2) to see if these improvements remain long after the study, and whether they can be observed with electroencephalography (EEG).

Longitudinal EEG and Sensors Study

Our goal is early identification of deviation from healthy brain development to allow targeted early intervention and improve developmental outcomes.

Mother's Milk Study

To better understand the effects of breastfeeding on infant growth and development.

MR Imaging of Perinatal Brain Injury

The collection of the research data we hope will help better screening, diagnosing procedures and treatment of brain injury in newborns and identify a connection between MR imaging and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

MRI of placental function

Develop non-invasive measures to identify abnormal placental function in babies with and without congenital anomalies.

Ophthalmologic disorders and eye tracking in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

We are conducting a research study about visual problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We believe that many children with autism may have undiagnosed eye problems because they cannot explain when they have trouble seeing and may not undergo routine eye exams. We hope to develop a method to screen for visual problems in using a new, non-invasive technology called eye tracking. We will use a camera to record your child’s eye movements as they watch video clips for 15-20 minutes.