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HBCD (HEALthy Brain and Child Development)

To understand how environmental factors affect a child's early brain development. This includes positive factors like social support and parent-child bonding and challenges like poverty, stress and early life exposures.


1) To determine if 5 doses of Epo (Erythropoietin) 1000 U/kg (birth weight) intravenous (IV) reduces the rate of death or neurodevelopmental impairment (mild, moderate, or severe) at 24 months of age. 

2) To assess safety of Epo. 

3) To determine whether Epo decreases the severity of HIE-induced brain injury as evidenced by early MRI and plasma biomarkers of brain injury.

Phase I Temsirolimus

To test a new experimental drug Temisirolimus - Temsirolimus (also known as Torisel®) is approved for kidney cell cancer treatment in adults - in combination with approved chemotherapy drugs - in the hopes of finding a drug combination that may be effective against leukemia and non-hodgkin’s lymphoma that has come back after initial treatment. To find the highest dose that can be given without casing severe side effects.

Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma Consortium (TACL) / Amgen Carfilzomib study

Carfilzomib (also known as Kyprolis®) is approved to be used in certain adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (myeloma that returns after a successful course of treatment or myeloma that does not respond to treatment). Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer. Carfilzomib is not approved to treat ALL. It has not been given in combination with the other drugs used in this study. This study is being done to find out if carfilzomib can be safely given before and during treatment with standard chemotherapy drugs.

Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma Consortium (TACL) Marqibo® ALL study

This study aims to evaluate the side effects (good and bad) of giving Vincristine Suflate Liposome Infection (also known as Marqibo®) - a drug approved for leukemia treatment in adults but that is experimental in children - with other standard chemotherapy drugs and to measure how effective the combination is at treating children and young adults with leukemia that has come back after initial treatment.