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3D Video Use in Laparoscopic Training

This study is recruiting CHLA staff/employees/trainees to participate in a study assessing the efficacy of different types of video in teaching a surgical skill to novices. Participants will complete a survey and a medical training task, watch a video, and then repeat the medical training task in 2 weeks.

Extubation failure in newborn infants

Validate the use of respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) and esophageal manometry in diagnosing upper airway obstruction (UAO) in newborn infants.

JASPER Early Intervention for Tuberous Sclerosis (JETS)

Two main purposes of the study: (1) to see if social communication of children with TSC can be improved with a short term behavioral intervention (JASPER) and (2) to see if these improvements remain long after the study, and whether they can be observed with electroencephalography (EEG).