Aerial view of the CHLA Anderson Pavilion Building.

Data Science & AI Team

Meet Our Team

Professional headshot of Stephan Erberich, PhD

Stephan Erberich, PhD

Chief Data Officer
Director, Data Science, AI, and Biomedical Informatics
Investigator, Radiology
Professor of Research Radiology, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Core Team
Professional headshot of Eamon Doyle, PhD

Eamon Doyle, PhD

Data Engineering Fellow
Assistant Professor of Research Radiology, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Professional headshot of Melody Li, MSc

Melody Li, MSc

Data Scientist
Professional headshot of Mohit Mehra, MSc

Mohit Mehra, MSc

Machine Learning Engineer, Team Manager
Professional headshot of Graham Noblit, PhD

Graham Noblit, PhD

Senior Data Scientist
Professional headshot of Hasham Zamanian, MSc

Hasham Zamanian, MSc

Data Scientist