Kathleen Ingman, PhD, ABPP
Dr. Kathleen Ingman is the Director of the HOPE Behavioral Health, Neuropsychology, and Education Service. Dr. Ingman holds an appointment as Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California. In these roles, Dr. Ingman provides vision, oversight, and leadership for all behavioral health and health education clinical activities within the Survivorship and Supportive Care Program of the Cancer and Blood Disease Institute.
Dr. Ingman graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the State University of New York at Albany. She received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University where she was awarded a Graduate Diversity Research and Mentoring Grant for her doctoral dissertation. She joined CHLA after completing a predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship in clinical child and pediatric psychology at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. Ingman is a board certified specialist in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Dr. Ingman’s specific areas of clinical and research interest include anxiety in children, coping with illness, medical trauma, end of life issues, and infant and early childhood mental health. As a clinician in pediatric hematology and oncology, Dr. Ingman carries an active clinical caseload of patients with complex medical and psychological issues and provides integrated mental health interventions to patients, their parents, and siblings. Dr. Ingman is a faculty member in the American Psychological Association accredited predoctoral psychology internship and postdoctoral psychology fellowship programs at CHLA, and is dedicated to her role as educator, clinical supervisor, and mentor to pediatric psychology interns and fellows. As the lead CHLA investigator of several federally funded multi-site studies, Dr. Ingman researches preventive interventions aimed at reducing the psychosocial impact of childhood cancer on children and families.
Under Dr. Ingman’s leadership, the HOPE Behavioral Health, Neuropsychology and Education Service offers patients psychosocial support and education through the Psychology, Neuropsychology, School Transition and Re-entry (STAR), and Health Education components in the Cancer and Blood Disease Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Intervention with children, adolescents, and young adults with acute and chronic illness; anxiety and coping in children with medical illness; medical trauma
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
Board Certified, American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Society of Pediatric Psychology; Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; Children’s Oncology Group
Bursch, B., Ingman, K. A., Vitti, L., Hyman, P., & Zeltzer, L. K. Chronic Pain in individuals with previously undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Pain, 5: 290-295, 2004.
Ingman, K. A. Helping Siblings in the Classroom. In N. Keene (Ed.), Educating the Child with Cancer: A Guide for Parents And Teachers, 2nd Edition. American Childhood Cancer Organization, 2011.
Phipps, S., Fairclough, D. L., Noll, R. B., Devine, K. A., Dolgin, M. J., Schepers, S. A., Askins, M. A., Schneider, N., Ingman, K. A., Voll, M., Katz, E. R., McLaughlin, J., Sahler, O.J. (2020). In-person vs. web-based administration of a problem-solving skills intervention for parents of children with cancer: Report of a randomized noninferiority trial. E Clinical Medicine, 24.
Anxiety and distress in children with acute and chronic medical conditions; Pain management in children and adolescents; End of life issues in children and adolescents
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Los Angeles, CA 90027
United States