February 17

Research Webinar Series: Postnatal Ontogeny and Pharmacogenomics: Can drug dosing in the Neonatal ICU be improved?

Webinar (Please email tecpad@chla.usc.edu if you wish to register)

Presented by

Tamorah Lewis, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Divisions of Neonatology & Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
UMKC School of Medicine


The talk is a discussion of various physiologic aspects that affect neonatal drug therapy and drug response. Data from multiple pharmacology studies in neonates will be presented that highlight what is already known and the need for improved research and dosing strategies in the newborn population.

About the Speaker

Tamorah Lewis MD, PhD is a physician scientist at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO dual trained in neonatology and clinical pharmacology. As an Associate Professor, she works collaboratively to design, implement, and manage her clinical and translational research program in Neonatal Precision Therapeutics. The overarching goal of the program is to bring individualized medicine to the NICU population using modern pharmacology tools such as pharmacogenomics. Dr Lewis serves as the Director of Clinical Research Logistics for her Division. She has established the Maternal Neonatal Pharmacogenetic Repository and has multiple prospective pharmacogenetic cohort studies enrolling and depositing diverse bio-samples to this repository.

Hosted by

Ashwini Lakshmanan, MD, MS, MPH
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine
USC Keck School of Medicine
Section Head, Epidemiology and Outcomes, Fetal and Neonatal Institute
Division of Neonatology, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Additional Information

Brought to you by TSRI Office of Training, Education, Career Planning & Development (TECPAD)

Registration is required, email tecpad@chla.usc.edu to receive link.

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