SC CTSI: Research Grant Webinar Series - LEARN from the COVID-19 Funding Awardees
Presented by
Lucio Comai, PhD
Professor, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
"Development of shareable resources for COVID-19 in the BSL3 facility"
Weiming Yuan, PhD
Associate Professor, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
"Identifying SARS-CoV-2 virus genes dysregulating human NKT cell function"
Learn more about:
- The W.M. Keck Foundation COVID-19 grant opportunity
- The projects that were awarded and their current findings
- The general COVID-19 research enterprise at USC
Hosted by
The KSOM COVID-19 Research Taskforce and the USC MESH Academy
Additional Information
Please see attachments for flyer details and a full series schedule.
For questions, please contact Emily at