February 23

Grand Rounds 2018: “An asset-based approach to strengthening educational outcomes for boys of color”

At the end of this CME activity participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the current sociological and ecological educational context of boys and men of color in the United States
  2. Cite key factors in developing personal and community-based assets for assisting boys and young men in the educational pipeline
  3. Support key factors in developing personal and community-based assets for addressing boys and young men in the educational pipeline

Jeffery Upperman, MD, FAAP, FACS
Director, Trauma Program
Program Director, PDRTC
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Mr. Ricky Lewis
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Executive Director, Omega Youth Leadership Conference and Mentorship Program

Mr. Ramsey Jay Jr., MBA

Mr. Wilmon A. Christian, MA
Director, The National Equity Network
University of Southern California Race and Equity Center

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