Team Clinic

Team Clinic - Virtual Expansion of an innovative, muli-disciplinary care model for middle school and high school age adolescents with Type 1 diabetes

The purpose of the study is to learn about how to improve access to care during adolescence/young adulthood and to see if Virtual Team Clinic is an acceptable form of care. Virtual Team Clinic is a new approach to provide care to (middle/high) school aged patients living with Type 1 Diabetes and their families. This new approach consists of Virtual Team Clinic appointments (primarily telemedicine, and/or in person as necessary). The study also incorporates group visits/medical appointments with a multidisciplinary care team (e.g., RD, RN, Social Worker, etc.). Each group will have a special theme and learning experience. You will learn how to better take care of your diabetes, get support from others, and hopefully have fun.

Study Details
Clinical Trials Government Identifier
team clinic type 1 diabetes, diabetes, t1d, telehealth
Study Type
CHLA Patients/Families Middle and High School: Any patient aged 10-14 years of age (in middle school) or 15-17 years of age (high school) on their date of recruitment who has had T1D for at least 6 months, is currently receiving care at CHLA, and their parent(s)
Does this study also recruit healthy volunteers?
Enrollment Status
Coordinator Contact
Jaquelin Flores Garcia
Contact Email
Coordinator Contact
Alejandra Torres
Contact Email