March 26

Faculty Development Workshop: "Building Your Personal Statement" 3-26-2021

Presented by

Kevin Lemley, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics (Clinical Scholar)
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Vice Chair, Pediatric Faculty Development
Children's Hospital Los Angeles


*1 CME Credit Available

At the end of this CME Activity, participants should be able to:

1. Learn importance of your personal statement in your promotion dossier.
2. Identify a strategy for starting to work on your personal statement.
3. Identify the necessary domains of excellence you must address depending upon your specific track.

Additional Information

Brought to you by the Office of Faculty Development in the Department of Academic Affairs.

For questions, please e-mail

Download flyer here.

Resources Provided:

If you were unable to attend this event or would like to review the material that was presented, we welcome you to use this link to view them.